Kia ora, I am a student at Marshland School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
The Grocery Store Dilemma
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Decimal Places!
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Its Karate time!
Friday, September 3, 2021
Come to think of it, What does Water do for us?
Friday, August 27, 2021
Over fishing? No thank you!
Monday, August 23, 2021
Making Cinnamon Scrolls in Lockdown
Ni Hao Bloggers! Are you feeling empty, bored, hungry perhaps? Well, I think I have a solution! Here is an amazing (But long) recipe for making Cinnamon scrolls. Why go to the supermarket and buy them when you can make them yourself. The recipe may take long but lockdown is longer, so go ahead and make some mouthwatering Cinnamon scrolls.
To be honest, I did get a little frustrated with the recipe as it gets quite messy but I actually find I thoroughly enjoyed it. But it's especially worth it when you get to the end! Give it a try and see how it goes.
What are you baking in lockdown? Have you made Cinnamon Scrolls?
Friday, August 20, 2021
Its Lockdown.... AGAIN!
Kia ora Team! I can not believe it, It's Lockdown! But hopefully, we will all be back to school next week. Anyways, to make sure we are keeping up with work, my Homebase had a google meet and chatted about what we were doing and what tasks to do. For my literacy task, we had to create a horror story because for literacy we are focusing on, not only our TED Talks but Genre studies. We had chosen 'Horror' and here is my horror story. To give you a brief overview, it is about a girl who has a man that watches her in her room. Find out more by reading the story above. This was a really fun topic and I enjoyed writing this story.
What are you doing in Lockdown? Have ever written a Horror story before?
If so, please comment down below!
Blog ya later!
Friday, August 13, 2021
Kia ora Team! I know all of you must be a little upset I haven't posted for AGES! But I have been super busy with.. PRODUCTION. You must be aching to see how everything turned out. All I got to say is... AMAZING! With heaps of practice help and encouragement, we made the best Production ever. Once the stage was put in, the excitement really came in. On Monday, my cast Tahi performed in front of the cutest Kindergraden and from then on, I loved performing on the new stage. The performances went very smoothly with very little mistakes. The costumes, the lights, everything I just loved so much. Unfortuenly, Production has come to an end after our 4 performances. I shall never forget how amazing it was to just go out an perform. Never. I know, here are some great photos of my Production performing. I hope you enjoy seeing how talented the main characters are. Overall, I have really liked doing this production and am looking forward to doing another one.
Have you ever done a Production before? If so, what did you do?
Blog ya later!
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Lets make a Table!
Kia ora Team! Ko Lucinda Toku ingoa and I am from Marshland school. Today our Teachers talked about the distribution of weight, structure, and planning of a table. Surprise, surprise! We are making a table out of newspaper and tape in groups of five. I actually worked with some super cool new people I have never worked with before. It turned out to be a very fun experience, learning about them and working together. Our time limit was 25 minutes, with five minutes thinking and 10 minutes planning. My Team had it all worked out with 5 very strong legs and a thick tabletop. I think we did a good job spreading out what tasks people had to do but unfortunately, we didn't get it done in time. To be honest, there were some really awesome structures and that really got me down thinking ours was not going to work. But, ours actually was the best. Most of the tables could only hold 1 to 3, but we held 10 books and 1 laptop. Still, I knew everybody did a really good job, no matter what. One of our challenges was not being able to manage our time properly. Check out the slide above to hear a full review of the task and see what our product looked like.
What do you think we could have done better? Have you ever done anything like this?
Thanks for reading. Blog ya later!
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Cooking experiment!
Kia ora Koutou! Sorry I have not been posting for a while. I have a fun experiment that you guys might want to try at home or even at School. For Math, we have been learning about measurement, and to showcase our learning we needed to do a type of baking. We got into groups and sorted out who was bringing what and what we were baking. My group chooses the famous Chocolate chip Cookies! I thought we were really organized and ready to bake. You're going to need to see my presentation to find out what happens to the cookies. One word. Disastrous. We did find it a challenge to work together but eventually, we got the hang of it.
What do you think of our cookies? Do you think we could of done better?
Blog ya Later!
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Lets go Matariki!
Kia ora Koutou! Ko Lucinda Toku ingoa. Matariki is creeping upon us, but Toroa is already organized. To celebrate the Maori new year (2 July 2021) we decided to go for a beautiful piece of extraordinary art to showcase one of the most popular star constellations. Matariki, the mother, and her six daughters, Tupu-ā-Nuku, Tupu-ā-rangi, Waipunarangi, Waitī and Waitā, and Ururangi.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
The Cave of Wonders!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Sensenstion and Perception
My One My Buddies one
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Hooray for Perimeter, Area, Volume!
Perimeter, Area, Volume Presentation
Ni hao Bloggers! For the past couple of weeks, Shaw's maths has been learning about Perimeter, Area, and Volume. With help from Quizzes and lots of worksheets, we had Perimeter, Area, and Volume in the bag. Our task was to create a presentation showing our understanding of Perimeter, Area, and Volume. I decided to do mine on Canva because it's such a great app for decorating and displaying your work. If you click on the link-up at the top, you will be taken to my video. Make sure to unmute it to listen to the cute music to go along with it. At first, I found it hard to understand Perimeter, Area, and Volume but soon it became easy as pie. If you're confused about Perimeter, Area, and Volume, click on this video which will surely help you.
What can I improve on?
Blog ya later!
Monday, May 31, 2021
Who's Hungry?
Kia ora Bloggers! Lucy's back and with a challenge for you. Recently, I have just finished another one of those tasks from the production slide which was to create a recipe book about two or more traditional middle eastern dishes. I decided to go with Shish Tawook and Baklava as those both sounded inviting and delicious. I found it a bit hard to find the right recipes for the foods but eventually I found some. I think it would be cool if you could give these recipes a try as I'm sure they will turn out delicious. Unfortunately, the book would't load onto my blog so I had to put it on a slide. I hope you like my decoration and the recipes I choose. Blog ya Later!
Have you ever cooked a Traditional Dish from the Middle east? If so, which one?
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Amazing Steam experiment!
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Arabian Palace!
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Production Time!
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Seating Catastrophe
Kia ora team, my name is Lucy and I am a student at Marshland school. For a few days now, Shaw maths has been working on a task to create an animation or a world on Minecraft to display our problem-solving skills. I decided to go with Minecraft world as it sounded creative and fun. As you know, we have been looking into problem-solving, seeing if we can turn it into an easier equation and find the correct answer. We did several problems over the past week, and part of our task was to choose a problem out of the ones we had recently done and use that in our animation/Minecraft world. I decided to go with the pizza problem, which you will find out about later. I found it hard to remember how to solve the problem but with some much-needed help, I finished. I hope you enjoy my explanation about problem-solving and understand what I am trying to demonstrate.
What can I improve on with my explaining skills?
Feel free to comment!
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Hundertwasser Art
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
The amazing Mean, Median, Mode and Range!
Kia ora Bloggers! Today for maths, we were assigned a task to create a digital presentation to explain and show our understanding of Mean, Median, Mode, and Range. I decided to do a Canva presentation. I now thoroughly understand MMM & R and if I say so myself, did a pretty good job. I enjoyed decorating my slide and making it look pretty. I found it a little hard to explain what they meant, but I soon got the swing of it. Here is the presentation link MMM&R if you would like to learn what they all mean. I hope you enjoy the music and information.
Is there anything else I can add or fix to my presentation? How can I explain it better?
Feel free to comment!
Blog you later!
Friday, March 26, 2021
Whats the Weather today?
Thursday, March 11, 2021
What is Japanese fashion?
Konichiwa Bloggers! As you can see there is a mysterious link at the top of the post. You might be wondering what it could be. Well, for inquiry all the home bases in Toroa have started going around in a rotation. We started first with our Home base teachers. Mr Shaw's class was all about the really cool things you can use instead of google slides. He gave us all the topic "Japan", My buddy and I decided to base our work on Japanese fashion. We had to choose a app (Not google slides) to present our work on. We had to choose out of I-movie, Canva, google sites (Which we actually weren't aloud to do) and adobe spark. I choose the one I was more familiar with. CANVA! I did most of the detail and Colour on it and Angelica looked up Amazing and astonishing Info. I found it a really cool topic and enjoyed putting all the detail on it. I think the challenge was finding what fit with what. I hope you enjoy my japan presentation. If you want to move to the next slide just press the arrow and make sure to un-mute it.
What topic would you like to learn about japan? Its fashion, food, history?
Friday, March 5, 2021
Whats the weather Like today?
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
A Night at the Disco....
What would you do if some people were excluding your friend? Have you ever been in a situation like that?
Feel free to comment!
Monday, March 1, 2021
The Maoris point of View
Kia ora Bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at Marshland school. Today, we have learned more about the treaty of Waitangi. There were actually 2 Versions of the treaty. The Maori one promised the Maori that they would have full control over their lands and that the queen would protect them. The English one says that the English get all the Sovereignty and could buy the land. This ended up with War and confusion, English taking away their culture and there freedom. This video is about a Maori's point of view of how they felt about all the changes happening. I don't think this is my best work because the app I was using didn't let me download it and I had to use screencastify to video. We had to write a script for what the Maori would say and put it on the app Voki. I found it fun to write it down but the video was very annoying because of all the mistakes.
What point of View would you choose? Maori or English?
E noho rā!
Friday, February 26, 2021
The Mystery's of the Tāmoko Revealed!
Thursday, February 25, 2021
The Coming together of Maori & the English
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Staying safe outside of School & Home
Thursday, February 18, 2021
All about little old ME!

Don't you just love the Maori for their way with words?
Tēna Koutou Bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at Marshland school. Today, (with help from the Teachers) Toroa learned and created their Beautiful Pepehas. We included our Family, where we came from, our Mountain and our River. After we wrote our Pepehas down, the Teachers told us to make a adobe spark video version. It took a lot of hard work, encouragement and resilience. I found it challenging but fun. I hope my Pepeha will help you get to know me more, as it talks a lot about ME! I think that the Maori are are a very unique and beautiful culture and I hope you think so too. Enjoy my Pepeha!
What do you think of the Maori culture?
Feel free to comment.
Monday, February 15, 2021
The highest view in Wainui Camp
Kia ora bloggers! Happy new school year! I 'm back now and with a whole new blog post. Last week, Toroa hub went to Wainui camp for 3 nights and 4 days. We did heaps of awesome and cool activities but one of the fun activities I would like to highlight are the high ropes. It was fun but it gave me a good challenge. I was a little bit scared near the top but with some kind words and some strong encouragement, I made it to the top. It felt wonderful when I was back on the ground, but my legs were shaking like crazy. For a reflecting task, we got to choose which activity we liked the most and choose a creative way to write it down. I decided to do a comic strip. I hope you enjoy the drawings.
What camp have you been too and what was your favourite activity?