Kia ora, I am a student at Marshland School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Friday, December 11, 2020
Its not Summer anymore its Winter!
Friday, December 4, 2020
2020, the year that was
Kia ora Bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school. These past 2 weeks for marshland school have been a bit lazy because some of the Korimako classes have been going swimming. The teachers decided to spice things up with a poem story about 2020. I found the rhyming quite hard so I didn't rhyme all the words. I hope you enjoy my recount of what we did this year. Here is the link to my book. 2020, the year that was.
I can say merry Christmas now, since its December. What do you think of 2020? Feel free to comment!
Here is the link to the site I used for rhyming. Rhyme Zone
Friday, November 27, 2020
My Cool Civilisation
Monday, November 16, 2020
The Lonely Girl and the Lonely Giant
Friday, November 6, 2020
I hope you understand this Maori Slide!
Friday, October 23, 2020
Yay, its Writing Test!
Stepping out of the musty hot car to feel the cold refreshing air lapping at my face felt amazing.
I have longed to be at the market, my freedom, my friend for so long, that it had completely changed.
The usually brown fried grass, had turned a lush pear coloured green, soft as silk and smooth as a footpath.
Kicking off my bubblegum pink slides, my toes curled around the soft grass, as it calmed me like a mother and a baby.
A warm delicious smelt wafted up my nose, and I whipped my head around to hear a familiar voice.
“ Come for your usual. 12 jam donuts with some whipped cream on the side?”
Happiness spread through me like a spread on toast.
“ Uncle Bobby!” I cried barrelling towards him almost knocking him over. Bobby wasn’t actually my uncle, but he sure looked like it. He was a plump man as he basically lived on donuts and a dark oak brown beard that bonces up and down when he laughed. His hair was a lovely chestnut brown with little golden specks.
“ Here are some donuts for my favourite customer” He whispered as I bit into a cinnamon coated donuts, with strawberry jam that exploded in my mouth. Licking my sugary fingers I thanked Bobby and wandered towards Miss B the woman that ran the perfume shop. As I skipped happily down rows upon rows of sapphire blue tents, with cheerful people talking and gossiping about the best wind chime to buy.
All of a sudden, a beautiful sound drifted through the air drawing people towards it. I followed the army of people to where an old man was sitting upon a short tree stump, with a corn coloured straw hat sat beside him.
He was clutching a flute, doing complicated movements with his bony fingers.
The song was sad, but peaceful, relaxing. Almost making me cry. He finished with a flourish and I expected people to shower him with shiny gold coins. Instead he got icy cold glares and angry stares. One little boy poked his stained red tongue out at him and I gave him the meanest glare I could do. Scared, the boy ran towards his Mum, dropping his candy apple in the process. Chuckling to myself, I turned back to the old man, but he had disappeared. I frowned and looked up at the glossy white clouds, willing for an answer for the rudeness to that man.
“ Lucy, where have you been! You must sample some of my new perfumes!” Called a french accent, knocking me out of my thoughts.
“ Hi, Miss B! Lovely morning, did you hear the man playing the flute?” I inquired, flashing my best on-stage smile. It was returned with a frown.
“ Darling, he is just a disgusting hobo with only an old fashioned flute. He is a beggar” said Miss B angry voice as she rummaged around the sickly sweet perfumes.
Now I was the one to be upset. How could those people treat him like that.
Angry, I marched out of the gypsy tent, with Miss B muttered rude things about the old man.
Screwing my fists into tight balls, swallowing my angry,
Not even the fresh smell of pears, apples and watermelon could make peace.
Grabbing a cherry from Mr Beacon's stall, I threw on the ground and stamped on it until it looked like nothing more than a scarlet red patch on the grass.
“ You know you have to pay for that, Miss” gabbled Mr beacon, a man with a tomato red face and a big bushy moustache.
I wish I could punch his silly little face like a big punching bag.
Instead, I politely paid and stalked away.
I passed trading hubs with angry men and women fighting over silly antique stuff that is probably 1000 years old. Next came Nelly's fries and burgers. My stomach lurched, but I kept my cool as I passed a child with a scrumptious looking burger with pearly white mayonnaise dripping out the side.
Then, I heard that sound. That beautiful sound that is so Serene, so quiet, so sad.
Pumping my legs to go faster, I came to a halt in the front of the old man with his wispy sliver hair and bony fingers moving quickly across the flute. Grappling around in my pocket, I found a 50c coin. I began walking nonchalantly over to the man, then stopped. What if he wasn’t a kind man and started slapping me with his sky blue flute.
No, I would not let this get me down.
Taking a deep breath, I dropped the coin into the straw hat and lifted my head up to see a smile so wide and so big on that man's face that I smiled too. Tears ran down the wrinkled cheeks of the old man. He grabbed my hand and squeezed my hand and I squeezed back.
That was the best day at the market. Ever.
Friday, October 16, 2020
Hurray for pink shirt day!
Kia ora, bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student from Marshland school. Guess what? Its pink shirt day! We wear pink shirts to represent anti - bullying. We can squash bullying if we look out for each other. So thats why I made an anti bullying poster, to inspire people to believe in themselves and stand up. Have you ever been bullying? Have you stood up for yourselves and got an adult?
Feel free to comment.
Here is the link to canva login so you can use it to make your own poster.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Do you love bunnies? Read this blog post!
Why I Should Have an American
Dwarf Bunny
Attention David Richard Monds!
Intro - It has been so hard settling into the life of Christchurch. I miss Nelson very much and even though I have wonderful friends in Marshland, I actually feel quite lonely. Having a cat is cool, but having an American Dwarf Bunny is amazing. They are cute, fluffy and adorable! If you're still not convinced, you must listen to these reasons.
P1 -
Bunnies make such wonderful companions, especially when I might be feeling a bit down. The best thing about american dwarf bunnies is that they will listen very intently when I need to talk. Sometimes, I feel like I can’t talk to anybody about my everyday problems, like school, sleep and homework. A bunny can fix that. They don’t disagree with your opinion about what you think about school and people. At the end of the day, I will have no more worries and a fluffy bunny to cuddle.
P2 -
Time to get into the scientific stuff. Apparently, patting a bunny reduces stress! Scientists demonstrate that just by watching an animal reduce Cortisol, the stress hormone and increases Serotonin, the happy molecule. The American Dwarf Bunny can live for a very long time, 10 - 12 years! The average bunny lives for only 9 years. One more thing, don’t let your bunny out into the wild because it will only live for 2 years.
P3 - Another good thing about American Dwarf bunnies, is that they are quite easy to look after. Sure, I will have to move the cage around to places on the lawn and feed her/him every day, but I will do this all for fun and not for money because he/she is my responsibility. They are super easy to litter train, not like dogs who poop in the house for a month before they are toilet trained. Luckly, they only need to be fed twice a day and you will only see the vet twice in a year.
Conclusion -
I hope that my argument might have made you slip a little, so that I can get an american dwarf bunny. I will respect your opinion if you say no. But I will rejoice and laugh with pleasure if you say yes. So, I will ask the question. Can I pretty please with a cherry on top have an American Dwarf bunny?
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Its NZSL Week!
Kia ora, bloggers! 1 more day of school! Today for writing we had to learn about sign language since it is NZSL week. I decided to do a video explaining how to do the days of the week. I learned from this video,
What are some other ideas for NZSL week? Blog you later.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Lets do some Origami!
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Hurray! It is maths week!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Lets get Reading!
Friday, August 14, 2020
Soon the Glasses Savior will be your Savior
Friday, July 31, 2020
My invention!
Hey there bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school. For Inquiry, we are learning about relationships with technology. We had to create an invention, mine is called the Dream Cat Machine, shortened name the DCM. This slide is yet to be completed, so make sure to check in once I have finished. Do you have any cool inventions that you would like to create?
Thursday, July 23, 2020
All about me!
Hi bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am from Marshland School.
This slideshow was for Cybersmart.
It is all about me and all the stuff I like.
I hope you learn more about me from this slideshow.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Want to help the community?
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
The funniest joke you will ever hear
Today for inquiry, we had to use abobe spark to make a movie.
It was really fun to do and I hope you have a little laugh too.What do you think of my movie?
Feel free to comment.
Want to try make on too? Look up Abobe spark.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Where stuff is is on your blog.
Today, in this blog post, I will be showing you all the different things on my blog.
I found it a little hard taking the video, but other than that, it was pretty easy.
I hope you learned something from this video, even thought it isn't that good.
What have you learnt from this blog post?
Feel free to comment.
Screencastify helped me video this and Cyber-smart helped me understand the different stuff on my blog.
all about Banksy
Hi Bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
This Slide-show is about an anonymous street artist called Banksy.
I really like is artwork and I hope you will to after reading my report.
My biggest challenge was when I had to look up his early life.
What do you think of Banksy?
Feel free comment.
Sources: Banksy - Career,
Friday, May 22, 2020
Hi my name is Lucy and i am a student at marshland school.
This is a slide about what rejuvenation is and what it does.
My friend and I both made this slide together for inquiry.
We found it a little hard, but near the end it got easier.
Did you like our SOL?
Feel free to comment.
If you want to learn more, here is where we got pour information .
Rejuvenation | Definition of Rejuvenation at
Friday, May 8, 2020
Want to know all about Gazelles?
Kia Ora bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at Marshland School.
For my writing activity, I did a book about Gazelles.
It was really fun and easy writing and finding out about Gazelles.
I hope you might like my book about Gazelles.
Maybe, you could try doing one about your favourite animal.
I got my facts from Gazelle:
Friday, May 1, 2020
What is A yeti crab?
Hi There Bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
Today, I did this SOL and we had to find out what a Yeti Crab was.
If you want to know know more about the Yeti Crab, then you should read my slide about them.
I really Enjoyed finding out cool facts about the Yeti Crab.
What other weird facts do you know about animals?
Feel free to comment.
Friday, April 24, 2020
Lest we forget....
Thursday, April 23, 2020
My marvellous mathematical math!
Hi there and my name is Lucy. I am a student at marshland school.
Here is my maths work, which was quite hard for me. But it might not be hard for other people.
We had to watch our teacher throwing a ball and get data from it.
Then we had to video our self's and gather data from that.
If you quite like maths, then maybe you could do something like this.
Is maths hard for you too?
Feel free to comment.
Stay safe.
My magical Afghan biscuits
Hi there bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
Yesterday I made Afghan biscuits. They weren't that hard to do, but all you need is the ingredients and you will be good.
If you want to make it too just follow the instructions then you'll have a good batch of biscuits.
How did yours turn out?
Feel free to comment.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
You should definitely read Jane Eyre the book!
Hi there! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland.
Today we had to do a summary about our favourite book, and I choose Jane Eyre because I recently finished the book.
I liked it because it has a sense of adventure and love.
It wasn't very hard since I basically had just read it.
I advise you to do a summary of your favourite book if you are bored.
What book would you do?
Feel free to comment.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Continue of the animals adventure - Letter to long lost family
Hi again bloggers! It is me Lucy again and pleased to be at marshland school.
Today, I did another piece of writing. But it was about the animal (Which I still won't name, because you probably need to read my other story) finally getting the address of her family and writing a letter to them.
It was a little hard, but it got easy near the end.
How would you react if you found your long lost family?
Comment down below.
A little journey for a big animal
Hi there! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
This piece of writing is about an animal (Which I will not name, you must find out what it is at the end, or find out what it is from the clues I put in the story)
Who wants to find her family, but is having no luck, until one day when she is walking in the forest and smells something fascinating and goes on a little bit of a journey.
It was quite easy to write because I got the flow of the story.
What animal would you do?
Feel free to comment.
My awesome reading task
Hi again! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
Sorry I have not been posting that much.
This is a reading task called Alvin and me and it is about a new boy from china, who also speaks Cantonese and his name is Alvin.
When he starts, a boy becomes his buddy because he also from china.
I had to answer lots of questions, some of the question were a little hard but I manged to do it.
This is a finished piece of work.
What would you do if you were asked to be somebody's buddy?
Feel free to comment!
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Crazy bouncing egg experiment
Friday, April 17, 2020
Fun Anzac Day Word Find
This word-find was interesting and challenging because some of the words were hard to find.
I printed it out with my mums computer.
I recommend doing a word-find or maybe making your own.
Have a good afternoon and morning.
Keeping in touch
Our nana and grandad send us pictures of their farm tedddy doing something everyday and then we send pictures of our teddys to them.
It is really fun to do, so I recommend you try it with your loved ones.
Here are some pictures-
This one is my nana and grandads farm teddy picking up the leafs
This is one of our teddys not really listening to My sister while she is trying to teach him how to play the guitar.
This is farm teddy trying to get out of lock down.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
The ferocious bulls
Hi again. My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
Today, for writing we had to do a story about when our parents were little. Mine is a little bit of truth, but the rest is fictional. My Mum did actually have an encounter with bulls.
I hope you enjoy this story and I recommend that you try doing a story about your parents.
What did your parents do that was naughty?
Feel free to comment.
My awesome lock down maths!
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Pony on the run!
Hi again! My name is Lucy and I am a pupil at marshland school.
This piece of writing is about a pony who is so bored with his usual everyday life that one night he runs away and that spells trouble.
My teacher set me this assignment, which is now finished.
What would you do if you were bored with your everyday life?
Tell me what I could do better.
Feel free to comment.
My source was my teacher.
Origami masterpiece
I hope you guys are all surviving lock-down and the first week of online school.
What do you think of my heart?
Please tell me what I can do better.
Feel free to comment!
Here is the link to the video of how to do it
Friday, March 27, 2020
My awesome virtual reality trip to the Great Wall of China
Good morning!My name is Lucy and I am a student at Marshland school.Today, for my writing task I did virtual reality field trip to the Great Wall of China.I was about what we heard, what we saw and what happened while we were there.Mine is a bit of a bad ending.The whole thing was a bit hard. But in the end it turned out pretty funny.Where would you go for a virtual reality field trip?
Feel free to comment.
Here is my source Virtual Field trips!
Thursday, March 26, 2020
The horrendous moving day
Hi again!My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.This is a Pick-A-Path I did for fun
because I was a bit bored so I did this.I got this idea from when I was at my old school and we did a Pick-A-Path. I advise you to do one because you can do one about anything you want.The hard part was making up all the endings.I enjoyed writing all the little bits about the person doing it.
What would you do for a pick-a-path?Feel free to comment.My sources was myself I guess.
Teeth catastrophe!
Hi!My name is Lucy and I am student at marshland school.This is a writing task about two old men who go fishing and lose both of their false teeth.It involves my granddads as the old men.But in real life only one of my granddads has false teeth.I really enjoyed watching the video and writing it.I actually came up with my own ending.So if you read my doc and then watch the video the endings are quite different.So don't worry I will leave a link at the bottom so you can watch it.The video was my source too.What would you do for a different ending?Feel free to comment.
Here is the video Teeth.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
The cutest bunny ever!
Feel free to comment.The you-tuber I got this idea from is called 'draw so cute'
High diving champions
Hi again!My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.This is a piece of writing about giraffes doing high diving.In my story my giraffe is very scared and nervous about it.But in the end she gets her confidence up and just does it.It is a good story if I say so myself.We also have lots of other activities while we are in self-isolation.I hope everyone is having a good time and not getting to too bored.What are you doing while we are in self-isolation?Feel free to comment.
My source is High Diving Giraffes
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Pigeon disaster!
Hi my name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.We are currently in self isolation, so our teachers have set us some fun activities to do for our online learning at home.I have just done a persuasive argument about a video called 'pigeon impossible'.It is about a pigeon interfering with a spies work.The spy is eating a bagel and the pigeon comes up because it wants some.Then they start to fight over it and the pigeon gets stuck and the spies suitcase.It starts to press lots of buttons until the spy finally gets the pigeon out.The spy accidentally presses this button that launches a huge rocket into the sky.Next the spy quickly stops the rocket and gives the pigeon the bagel. Thats the end of that disaster.What would you do if a pigeon looks like it wants your bagel or donut?
Feel free to comment.My sources was Pigeon Impossible.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Tim's funny surprise animation
Hi my name is Lucy m and I am a student at marshland school.This is an animation about a good guy called Tim.His mum has got him a surprise for his big test to keep him company.If you want to find out what the surprise is look at Tim's surprise.I enjoyed making the backgrounds,but making the people was actually quite hard for me.This is for cyber-smart.What would you do for Tim's surprise?
Feel free to comment.This is a finished project.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The naughtiest thing I have done
Hi my name is Lucy.I am a student at marshland school, and this blog post is about a poem that explained the naughtiest thing you have done for writing.
It is about how I did not like broccoli and spat it out.The format of the poem was by William Carlos William.I enjoyed it because you get to explain all about the Funnest/Naughtiest thing.This a finshed project.
What was your naughtiest thing you have done?
Please feel free to comment.The sources was my teacher.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Hey there captain!
Hi my name is Lucy.I am a student at marshland school, and this blog post is about a book called ships captain for reading.We had to answer questions about the book.The book is about two kids come to see their Nan and pop.Their Nan is quite a fierce woman because when she was younger she ran away because her parents wanted her to marry a man she did not love. This is a finished project.
What would you do if you had to marry some one you did not love, would you run away like Nan?
Please feel free to comment. My sources was my book.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
The dogs at the beach
We had to be descriptive about what the dogs were doing.
We also had to use all of our senses for the writing.
Feel free to comment.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Me and my Ancestors!
This is a slide called me and my Ancestors for inquiry.
It is when you need to find out more about where your Ancestors came from and about their country.
Do you know where your Ancestors came from.Please feel free to comment.
This is a working progress.
Statistics graph Analysis
This is my Graph Analysis slide for maths.It is not finished yet but I will keep on working on it.
I did this because I want to learn how to Analysis and understand the data of statistics.
Do you know anything about graph Analysis?
Feel free to comment.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.