
Friday, April 24, 2020

Lest we forget....

Hi Bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
This word find is about Anzac day because it is going to be tomorrow.
It was really fun and easy to make.
Can any of you spot some words?
I have a little challenge for you to do.
Wake up at Six 'o' clock and look east to watch the sunrise.
If you would like to do a word find then here is the link Word Find Creator

Thursday, April 23, 2020

My marvellous mathematical math!

Hi there and my name is Lucy. I am a student at marshland school.
Here is my maths work, which was quite hard for me. But it might not be hard for other people.
We had to watch our teacher throwing a ball and get data from it.
Then we had to video our self's and gather data from that.
If you quite like maths, then maybe you could do something like this.
Is maths hard for you too?
Feel free to comment.
Stay safe.

My magical Afghan biscuits

Hi there bloggers! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
Yesterday I made Afghan biscuits. They weren't that hard to do, but all you need is the ingredients and you will be good.
If you want to make it too just follow the instructions then you'll have a good batch of biscuits.
How did yours turn out?
Feel free to comment.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

You should definitely read Jane Eyre the book!

Hi there! My name is Lucy and I am  a student at marshland.
Today we had to do a summary about our favourite book, and I choose Jane Eyre because I recently finished the book.
I liked it because it has a sense of adventure and love.
It wasn't very hard since I basically  had just read it.
I advise you to do a summary of your favourite book if you are bored.
What book would you do?
Feel free to comment.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Continue of the animals adventure - Letter to long lost family

Hi again bloggers! It is me Lucy again and pleased to be at marshland school.
Today, I did another piece of writing. But it was about the animal (Which I still won't name, because you probably need to read my other story) finally getting the address of her family and writing a letter to them.
It was a little hard, but it got easy near the end.
How would you react if you found your long lost family?
Comment down below.

A little journey for a big animal

Hi there! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
This piece of writing is about an animal (Which I will not name, you must find out what it is at the end, or find out what it is from the clues I put in the story)
Who wants to find her family, but is having no luck, until one day when she is walking in the forest and smells something fascinating and goes on a little bit of a journey.
It was quite easy to write because I got the flow of the story.
What animal would you do?
Feel free to comment.

My awesome reading task

Hi again! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
Sorry I have not been posting that much.
This is a  reading task called Alvin and me and it is about a new boy from china, who also speaks Cantonese and his name is Alvin.
When he starts, a boy becomes his buddy because he also from china.
I had to answer lots of questions, some of the question were a little hard but I manged to do it.
This is a finished piece of work.
What would you do if you were asked to be somebody's buddy?
Feel free to comment! 

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Crazy bouncing egg experiment

Hi and happy weekend! My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
We had to choose an activity to do for the afternoon.
I decided to do the boncey egg experiment.
Here is day two:

1 day later we took it out and rinsed it. Here is how it turned out:

It worked, but if you drop it from a high height then it will probably break.
All we used was an egg and vinegar.
Have you done this experiment and it worked?
If so, then please tell me in the comments.
Also tell me what I could do better.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Fun Anzac Day Word Find

                            Hi again bloggers! It is me Lucy from marshland school.
                            This word-find was interesting and challenging because some of the words were                                   hard to find.
                             I printed it out with my mums computer.
                             I recommend doing a word-find or maybe making your own.
                            Have a good afternoon and morning.

Keeping in touch

Kia ora bloggers. My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
Our nana and grandad send us pictures of their farm tedddy doing something everyday and then we send pictures of our teddys to them.
It is really fun to do, so I recommend you try it with your loved ones.
Here are some pictures-
                               This one is my nana and grandads farm teddy picking up the leafs
                                                This is one of our teddys not really listening to My sister while she is                                                    trying to teach him how to play the guitar.
                                              This is farm teddy trying to get out of lock down.


                                      This one is farm teddy on a flying fox!                           

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The ferocious bulls

Hi again. My name is Lucy and I am a student at marshland school.
Today, for writing we had to do a story about when our parents were little. Mine is a little bit of truth, but the rest is fictional. My Mum did actually have an encounter with bulls.
I hope you enjoy this story and I recommend  that you try doing a story about your parents.
What did your parents do that was naughty?
Feel free to comment.

My awesome lock down maths!

My answers:
1.My most popular food group was both vegetables and dairy.
2.My least popular food group was grains. I left this category in because we usually have lots of grains.
3. I did not expect us to have so little food.
4. We have a lot of vegetables and dairy but not much of the other categories.

Hi and good morning. I am a student from marshland school.
This morning I got up early to do my maths because it was hanging over my head.
Now, maths is not my strong point but with the help of my Mum, we finished it.
We did this for school work but I like to think of it as something fun to do.
How much food do you have in your fridge and freezer?
Feel free to comment.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Pony on the run!

Hi again! My name is Lucy and I am a pupil at marshland school.
This piece of writing is about a pony who is so bored with his usual everyday life that one night he runs away and that spells trouble.
My teacher set me this assignment, which is now finished.
What would you do if you were bored with your everyday life?
Tell me what I could do better.
Feel free to comment.
My source was my teacher.

Origami masterpiece

Hi there, my name is Lucy and I am a student from marshland school. I know I have not been posting a lot but I hope you like this new post for one of my afternoon activities. I choose to do an Origami heart. It is super easy to do. If you like, you could do it with a different colour paper.
I hope you guys are all surviving lock-down and the first week of online school.
What do you think of my heart?
Please tell me what I can do better.
Feel free to comment!
Here is the link to the video of how to do it